Thursday, January 7, 2010

Genealogy Study Why Is The Awesome Field Of Biblical Genealogy Neglected So Much By Many Christians?

Why is the awesome field of biblical genealogy neglected so much by many christians? - genealogy study

I like studying pedigrees. As a Christian, why not?


Dexter's 2nd Incarnation said...

This is the part that made me convinced of its authenticity.

PattyAnn said...

I find it interesting to read what the father. There are times when you really want to know, information, and then they have available. Pedigrees are important when he wrote the books of the Bible, as there were very few written records. Most of them were passed on orally.
Too much faith is based on material that I have more than pedigree study. I'm glad you enjoy them!

Joel V said...

Yes, I like many of the historical aspects of the Bible.

I also think that if it is not mentioned in the Bible can still happen. For example, Methuselah died the year after the flood. Will bring Methuselah's name means "His death." What happens when Enoch, Methuselah's father, a vision that the death of Methuselah (the last of the line from Adam to Noah, leading to death) to get flooding?

You are, that all direct members of the genealogy of Noah, died before the flood Note Methuselah with the last one.

In addition, Genesis describes the Garden of Eden "in the east, in Eden." Is what? Those who were born after the flood no idea where the garden! This means that whoever wrote this article (the first of several chapters) lived before the flood must have, probably the same Adam wrote these words, so long! If so, then "East" means "the east (where Adam and Eve addressd after their expulsion) "

Andy F said...

Paul writes to any location - in Rome, I - think that God wants, he can do in the new stones children of Abraham?

And did Jesus not reported, for example, in an apparent criticism of his mother, father and mother and her sisters and brothers was "who does the will of my Father in heaven"?

This leads me to think that if you condemn a Christian, not a care genealogies. They are interesting, but make no difference in terms of Christian salvation.

I think that is the Old Testament, for better or for worse, in his mid-race approach, chose the Jews as a people by God. This means that it is worthwhile to focus on Jewish genealogy, if one accepts the premise of the chosen people.

The burden of the interpretation of St. Paul the Christian message, but it is accessible to all - Jews and Greeks, men and women, slaves and free men, rich and poor, etc.

If that is the case, there are good reasons for ChristiansTask of genealogy. It is irrelevant.

Esther said...

It is very good, which is interesting for you. I'm not so interested in genealogy. My interest is to study the Bible to see what changes God wants, that I as a person.

If you find it interesting, okay. Do not think it's all in the transformation of genealogies, and when it comes to follow Jesus, is my desire that God be like his son to turn to.

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